6 Wrong Food Combinations You Should Avoid

Food Combinations You Should Avoid for a Healthy Digestive System

Have you ever experienced bloating, gas, or indigestion after a meal? These uncomfortable symptoms can be caused by consuming the wrong food combinations. Often, when we lack time, we mix fruits from the refrigerator together and eat them as salads. However, did you know that some fruits actually harm rather than nourish when combined with oppositely characterized fruits? It is always better to find out what combination works best and what does not.

Impact of improper food combinations on digestion and overall health

In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining a healthy diet can be challenging. However, by following proper food combining rules, we can eat smarter and healthier. Consuming certain foods together to improve digestion and avoid wrong food combinations is a dietary practice known as food combining.

Maintaining a healthy diet is not just about what we eat but also how we combine our foods. We often focus on consuming nutritious foods but overlook the impact of improper food combinations on our overall health. It’s important to understand that certain food combinations can hinder digestion and nutrient absorption, leading to various gastrointestinal issues and overall health problems.

By adopting healthy eating habits such as proper food combinations, you can improve your overall health and well-being and support your body’s natural digestion process.

It is always good to include plenty of fruits and vegetables in the diet.

This section highlights 6 wrong food combinations that you should avoid. So let’s dive in and learn more about how we can eat smarter and healthier by following the rules of food combination!

6 Food Combinations That you should avoid

  1. Fruit with a protein-rich mealNever Eat Fruit with Protein

    When you eat fruit after eating a protein-rich meal such as lentils or eggs, it leads to digestive issues as proteins take longer to break down. If you eat them together it causes fermentation and discomfort to the stomach. But if you desperately want to eat fruit, then you should wait for at least 30 minutes to 1 hour after having a protein-rich meal.

  2. Milk with citrus fruitsNever Eat Milk and Citrus fruit together

    Some people get digestive problems when they eat dairy products such as milk, cheese, or yogurt with citrus fruits such as oranges and pineapples. This combination may cause stomach upset, bloating, or gas problems. The presence of vitamin C and citric acid in sour foods like orange and lemon when combined with milk can coagulate and lead to heartburn, upset stomach and allergies, and chest congestion.

  3. Starches with Citrus fruitsNever Eat Starches with Citrus Fruit

    Starches like bread, potatoes, and pasta when consumed with citrus fruits or tomatoes
    can lead to digestive discomfort for some people. The acidity of the fruits can interfere with the starch digestion process, causing bloating or indigestion. Separating them into different meals or eating them in moderation together may help mitigate any potential issues.

  4. Sugary Desserts with High-Fat FoodsNever Eat Ice cream and Chips Together

    Combining sugary desserts like cakes or ice cream with high-fat foods such as fried foods results in feeling full or bloating. Ice-cream with fried foods such as chips can lead to bloating and stomach discomfort. You can opt for lighter desserts.

  5. Coffee with Calcium-rich foodsNever take coffee and Calcium together

    When caffeine-containing beverages (such as coffee or tea) are consumed with calcium-rich foods or supplements, calcium absorption can be hindered. So, If you are taking calcium supplements, just avoid drinking coffee at the same time and ensure there is at least 1 hour gap between the two.

  6. Legumes with DairyNever Eat legumes with Dairy together

    If you combine legumes (such as beans, lentils, or chickpeas) with dairy products, you may experience digestive issues. For some individuals, legumes and dairy can be difficult to digest because legumes contain complex carbohydrates and dairy contains lactose. It is always a better idea to consume these foods separately.

Additional Food Combinations to Avoid

1. Fast food combo, carbonated drinks with a burger, soda with high-fat foods

2. Fatty breakfast combo, protein overload on the digestive system, unhealthy morning meal combination

3. Fruits After Meal, Wrong fruit consumption timing after meals can cause digestion issues. Fruit salad after a large meal can lead to bloating or indigestion.

4. Milkshakes with Meals

5. Melons with other foods

6. Milkshake as a beverage for the meal is not an ideal choice. Sugar in the milkshake slows down digestion while also causing gas or bloating when consumed alongside solid foods.


The Significance of a Healthy Gut

A girl laughing

1. Avoiding wrong food combinations helps maintain optimal gut health as well as improved mental health because the gut is the foundation of our health, and a healthy gut makes us feel healthy. 

2. Eating healthy foods combined in the right way can help you feel better throughout the day.

3. Your body will absorb nutrients better when you eat the right food combinations.


Your digestive system plays a very important role in maintaining your overall health and well-being. Therefore, it is essential to understand the food combining rules that can help improve your digestive system health.

Everyone’s digestive health is unique, and Some may tolerate these combinations without any issues. However, if you experience discomfort after consuming certain food combinations, it may be helpful to adjust your eating habits or consult a dietician.

Eat Smarter and Healthier by Following Food Combining Rules.

“Food Combinations To Avoid” By Dr. Nick Zyrowski

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